Our trip to Jaipur (Rajastan)

December 20, 2007: Hey guys and females! This is Josh with the blog for our final stop of our north India Tour! Our last stop was at the city of Jaipur, also known as the pink city (more on that later). It all started with our car ride from Agra. The distance between the two cities is around 250 km, and it took us five hours. In case you aren’t getting this, it’s like going form Raleigh to Greensboro in five hours. Five HOURS! The roads, needless to say are in deplorable shape. Jaipur is in the province of Rajasthan, one of India’s largest and poorest states. The land is flat and almost barren with a few scattered trees and hills. We drove by taking in the sights of Rajasthan which were quite interesting. We saw many Rajastani Helicopters!“Rajasthani helicopters” as the locals called them. Camels. Lots of camels. Since cars and trucks are too expensive most people rely on camels to transport all their goods. We passed lots of camels and not much else. After a grueling ride we got to the city limits. When you first enter the city the first thing you see are mountains. Were all the rest of Rajasthan is flat, Jaipur is nestled between two mountains. From the van we could see temples and mosques high on mountain tops. We got out of the van to do a little shopping to stretch our legs. We went inside a little textile shop that our driver recommended. The girls had a field day. They went crazy with their shopping. We left kinda late, so we didn’t do much sight seeing. Our driver took us through Jaipur’s most famous attraction: the pink city. The Pink PalaceEvery building and street was made of pink sandstone. The city was pink! We happened to be in rush hour traffic so we were stuck in the city for a good while. At the hotel we got to see a Rajasthani puppet show with traditional Rajasthani music. Alyssa and Mom got to try their hand at puppetry; that was a hoot. We grabbed some chow, hit the hay, and woke early to see some sights. The first thing we saw was the Water Palace. It was a medium sized palace right in the middle of a man made lake. We couldn’t go inside so we stood on the shore and admired it. Our last stop was Amber palace. This palace was on a high mountain ridge and was a beautiful amber gold color. We were barred from entering once again, so we took some photos and headed back to Delhi. And that was the city of Jaipur! Talk to ya’ll later! 

11 Responses to “Our trip to Jaipur (Rajastan)”

  1. Frank Taylor Says:

    pink… haha sounds great! ugh, five hours in a car, i know what that’s like i just spent fifteen hours in one. keep having fun guys!

  2. Britt Says:

    It’s so awesome that you guys get to see all this. I can’t wait to look at all the pictures! I miss you guys!

  3. kendra Says:

    Wow! camels!? are you kidding me!? 🙂 felt right at home didn’t ya? camel country.. .buies creek… it’s all the same… 😀 maybe you can enlighten us on what a true fightin camel is now. The pink city looks amazing! everything will look rathe rboring over here when yo ugetback! it’s freezing cold but no snow- i’m in the outerbanks with my family and cousins. .david stayed behind to practice with his band, they gointo the recording studio on saturday for 2 weeks. pretty crazy!!! our brithdays are comming up josh!!! so happy birthday early!! my friend anna ibayashi from japan flew down for christmas too! she’s here til the 2nd of jan– and you all won’t get ot meet her!!! 😦 so sad!! well enjoy it all!!!!!!!

  4. Britt Says:

    You must drink up now ’cause it’s all that you’re getting/ If you haven’t been tested you certainly will/ And I promise it’s going to kill

  5. Britt Says:

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! Though I guess it’s been the new year for you guys for awhile now….

  6. Natalie Says:

    I just caught up with your blog. Pray Christmas was amazing and a Happy New Year to all the family! We miss you so much! Can’t wait to see you, hug you, and hear all about it! What an experience!
    Much, much love!

  7. Cait Says:

    Happy New Year! I am so excited that you will be coming home in less than a week! YEAH! Though I am sure you have had an absolutely marvelous time. Enjoy every last moment there… and come home prepared to tell all!

    Love you all!


  8. Rebekah J Says:

    Five hours? Yeesh. >.< That must have been rough. 🙂 But I’m so glad that you all are safe and having fun. I know what it’s like to be in completely different country, and I hope you know that all us Jones’ are praying for you all!

    See you when you come home!

    PS Watch out for camels! They spit! O.O

  9. Britt Says:

    All I can think of is how much I’d kill to be sleeping/ I’m my eyes, my mind’s drifting to secrets I’m keeping/ And the long-hauling trucks are all parked in their stops just like luminous ghosts of something that once was/ The rigs look so empty when framed by their light/ And that’s how I’m feeling

  10. Britt Says:

    So here’s to the promise of glamorous living/ You must drink up now ’cause it’s all that your getting/ If you haven’t been tested, you certainly will/ And I promise it’s going to kill

  11. Britt Says:

    It’s all at their expense/ If this is real, I’m a fake/ At least I’ll feel important/ I won’t lie, I lie to get paid

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