On cold showers and bad hair days!

Things here are very different….SLOW…….posting on this blog and going on the internet have proved very difficult. There is no fast food, prepackaged foods. the things that we at home really take for granted. The electricity regularly goes off, this morning as we were getting ready for church it did. We brought our hairdryer and put it into a converter (the voltage here is 240) and almost blew the whole system here! So, Alyssa and I are getting used to an old hairdryer that is more like a saudering iron. And although there is a hot water heater…I would not necesarily classify it as a functional one. It is good that it is so hot here, a good cold shower is invigorating and refreshing. You must adapt, we are learning daily.

I have been waking up every day at 3-4 am, bright and wide eyed. I decided that it is a perfect time to met with God. It is absolutely still here, pitch black, it is so dark and it has been jusr He and I. I have come to the conclusion that He had to get me here to speak to me. I have been so busy, doing good things but I have forgotten the true thing and have not spent time with God.This am when doing my study I was thinking about what I would be doing if I was home,baking lots of cookies, shopping, preparing for Christmas. God spoke very clearly t me today, he said why preare like that does’nt it come anyway? It is My gift to you, just accept it. This Christmas is different, no presents, not the usual but stil God’s greatest gift is very real. I thank God for early mornings, still small voices and the greatest gift, Jesus, my Jesus, your Jesus. Love you all!


6 Responses to “On cold showers and bad hair days!”

  1. Britt Says:

    That’s awesome. It’s always nice to be reminded of that because we so easily get wrapped up in our own lives that we often forget the reason we are living. Have a safe trip to Delhi! I love you!

  2. Britt Says:

    That’s awesome. It’s always nice to be reminded of that because we so easily get wrapped up in our own lives that we often forget the reason we are living. Have a safe trip to Delhi! I love you!

  3. Frank Taylor Says:

    hey i love cold showers! especially when it’s hot outside! that is definitely the reason for the season, but most people forget all about that…
    stay safe in delhi!

  4. Natalie Says:

    We miss you guys – but it all sounds wonderful! We continue to pray for safety, great time with the Lord, and great famly time together! Love you so much!

  5. Kendra Says:

    ms teresa– I LOVE YOU! 🙂 thank you for sharing your heart with us!!

  6. Jenn Rodeniser Says:

    ah Theresa – you made me cry. I love reading your blogs – you write like you talk – it makes me smile to hear you! I was working on our Christmas letter tonight. It will be more of a New Year’s letter – but it’s all good. Thanks for the reminder to get quiet.

    Keep blogging – I love it! Jenn

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